Updates and news K80 update

8 Feb 2021


Sorry for the late update about K80 alu housing

Yesterday, we ran a full QC about K80 alu and we found out that there is a slight color difference between top and bottom housing.

(Picture of color difference)

(The picture is taken a bit bright, can see the difference.)

(Top housing is tend to glossier than bottom housing)

And the handling factory has given up on the K80 project and will not proceed with all units. So total 300 housing is all we got and searching and re-do this will take too much time. So we decided we will lower the K80 alu price to $295 and consider all the 300 housing as B-stock.

If you have made your order about K80 alu, you can ask us for a partial refund or full refund.

K80 PC is no subject about this issue. And it's because we are packing them now.

I'm so sorry for this happening and we will try our best to prevent such happening again.

The housing will be sent out 24th Feb as scheduled. You can request a full refund before 19th Feb, after that we will proceed with partial refund and sending out the boards.

All the customers who joined our K80 alu boards will get an e-mail about this.
